woensdag 17 april 2013

(Pre-) starting sculpt mesh and material test

The past week I have mainly been researching a few things. One thing was materials in UDK, which I hope I can begin working on soon once I have finished sculpting the torso/back model.

The other thing I checked is Z-brush sculpting and creating a more detailed torso/back model. Here below you can see the result and it seems to work with the blend shape I created, this was merely a quick test.



UV's do not seem to change with the blend shape, so I will have to watch out for stretching.

This week I also worked on the creation of the bipedal and quadruped werewolf form skeletons/rigs.

I hope that over the course of the upcoming week I can set up the transformation in Kismet, UDK. So the transformation/morphing works with the proper animtree and matinee set-up.

I also tried to find a solution for the vertex order problem in maya which can majorly screw up your blend shapes. Maya reorders the vertices of the model when you split and merge your model, add an edge even adding a vertex is to risky.

Unfortunatly I have not managed to find any solid scripts or plug-ins that can fix this problem. I did find something about a plug-in called Maya Mesh Re-order, but it seems the one who initially put it online took it off again due to certain problems and it wouldn't work on geometry that would look really different from one and the other.

The only things that might work is using the program Houdini SideFX to remap the vertices of your model, or simply not adjust your model once the Human base mesh has been created.

I think that I will keep it to the latter, and make sure to make this an critical note in the pipeline.

So in the next week I will be working on the torso/back mesh and create a blending/transforming material in UDK, possibly with fur patches of geometry.

And work on the real-time transformation to set up the right matinee sequence in Kismmet.

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