zondag 21 april 2013

Morphing in UDK 03

I managed to set up a simple matinee sequence in UDK's Kistmet, thanks to an example from here. The one who post the thread was generous enough to also add the UDK and UPK files.

The result of the morphing can be seen in the video below.

The sequence gives me the possibility to transform/morph on the press of a button. When you press 'E' it transforms from the human form to the bipedal werewolf form and when you press 'Q' it transforms from the bipedal werewolf form to the quadruped werewolf form.

In the animation you can also see spikes, these spikes on the models while transforming are most likely the result of the model not being skinned properly to the rig.

In the video you can see the spikes disappear on the model, this is because I set up the matinee sequence so it switches the models.

This is how the sequence has been set in Kismet. It is also possible to create a reverse, however I believe that I would like to create a different animation for transforming back then simply using the animations in reverse. These animations will have to be drawn out as animation sheets.

The reason why I switch the transformed mesh with a the full mesh, like the transformed bipedal form with the full mesh of the bipedal form is because otherwise the morph target from bipedal to quadruped form will not work properly. This is an issue I mentioned 'Morphing in UDK 02'.

But it also has two more advantages, one is it immediately replaces the skeleton/rig structure of the mesh. The skeleton which later on will have a different set of animations.

The second is that it could decrease the problem of having to cope with streched UV's around the feet, head and hands on the transformed mesh. The streched UV's will occur due to the blend shape/ morph target not changing the UV's of the model.

I'm not sure if it can solve the problem, perhaps if I would switch the meshes halfway during the animation, on the two seconds instead of on the fourth second. But this would require another blend shape/morph target. One from human to bipedal, where as the bipedal is the blend shape target and one from bipedal to human where as the human is blend shape target.
But also require setting up the materials in the right way. This is certainly an issue that requires testing.
I hope I can cover this in the upcoming week with the torso/back mesh.

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