donderdag 9 mei 2013

Materials transforming together with morphing

The past week I have been working on the materials of the torso/back model(s) and tried to get them working in UDK. The video below shows that the materials are now changing overal on the torso/back model when morphing. 

When you look at the morphing and the materials you might notice that when going from the human torso/back to the bipedal torso/back there is a switch in tone of color, going darker. This is due to the fact that I did not add the same material nodes on the specular material of the model.

I will implement this later when I will set-up, the entire 'final' matinee sequence in kismet, UDK. Which will also give the opportunity to transform back.
Additional features that would be nice to have, would be control as to how the fur grows since now it just blends on the entire model.
And perhaps fur patch geometry that would grow out on the back/ neck area to make the model look more full of fur.

For the upcoming time I will be working on the animation sheet(s) for the animation of character during the transformation and setting up the 'final' sequence. Plus check more in the additional features.

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