maandag 27 mei 2013

Model Animations _ stretching problem and solution

First off I would like to explain why I haven't updated anything over the past week. The reason is because I have been caught up with other project and classes which required my attention. Unfortunately I was unable to work on this project earlier this week. I have managed to work on it over the past the days so here is a quick update.

I continued to test some of the animations on the block-out model of the human form, which I managed to get working in UDK. However I noticed something crucial I overlooked when writing down my initial ideas. Here below is a video showing the animation in maya with the blendshape.

As you can see in the video the animation works, but as the model changes size the rig remains the same. This results in that the position of the joints, where the model should turn its arms is off as to where the joint should be in the arm. The result is that the arms stretch, becoming longer then the arms from the bipedal werewolf form, the model that would be switched into.

This is a problem, that I should have forseen when creating the rigs and models but I simply overlooked. Though I am glad I noticed, since I already formed a solution. This is a simple set-up which I will explain together with a video shown below.

The video above shows the animation on the human form rig. But instead of letting the blenshape occur along the entire lenght of the animation, it now occurs in a certain pose. The idea is to set the character in this pose play the morph and switch the model in UDK, and then let the animation continue on the other rig.
I also posed the bipedal werewolf form and used the posed model as a blendshape target on the human form. You should be able to see the bipedal rig in the video.

This would create a set up like this: Human form model animation -> Pose and morph -> Switch human form model to bipedal werewolf model -> continue animation on bipedal werewolf model.
The length of the animation would not change, the only thing that will be increased is the speed of the blendshape/morph.

It is a simple, but most likely necessary adjustment, of which I hope to show some final result in UDK tomorrow.

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