vrijdag 17 mei 2013

Character Transformation _ Animation Sheet

Here below you will find the animation sheet for the character transformation. I have added both transformations on the page. The transformation will be controlled by buttons. So first the character will transforms from human form to bipedal werewolf form. And once in the bipedal form transform to the quadruped werewolf form. 

There are however a few poses the will most likely be improved during production. like the starting pose of the second transformation. I might work on the sheet to improve it, but this should give a rough indication of the idea of the animation.

Both animations will be 4 seconds or 96 frames. I hope that over the course of the upcoming weeks I can block out the test models, just to get the feel and as proof for the documentation.

This weekend I will be working on the final set-up for the matinee sequence which I hope to show next week here on the blog.

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