vrijdag 15 maart 2013

First Block Outs

Unfortunately this week I had some extra work come up, which made it not possible for me to do everything I wanted to do and it also interfered with updating the blog. 
But first let’s have a minor recap of what I had planned to do past week. I wanted to build out the three forms in blocks and build one rig (skeletal) structure for all three forms. 

The block out result can be seen above. When I was building these out I first expected to have the joint places in the same position since both forms would share the same rig structure. However this would result in a less interesting form/ silhouette then the one I drew out (see Rig Drafts). 

After having a talk about this with my supervisor he gave me the idea to also ‘blend shape’ the rig structure. This is an idea I will certainly have to look into, because it will mean that I can morph the rig structure with the morphing of the human and bipedal werewolf form. So I can build out the drawn out block form.

In UDK it will mean that the character will have to swap rigs at a certain frame, which is possible.
The only problem that I can for see might be the actual motion of the animation when changing, this will require some looking in to.

So for the upcoming week I hope I will be able to build out the rig (skeletal) structures and see if I can set up the blend shapes/ morphing of the forms and rigs. Also research further on how to implement both skeletal structures and morphing meshes into UDK.

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