vrijdag 8 maart 2013

Character Design _ First Ideas

So for this project I will require to design 3 different forms for one character.
The human form, the bipedal werewolf form and the quadruped werewolf form.

At the end of the project I do not require to have them fully finished in detail, however I will have to make sure that the designs work with the rig sets, character morphing and texture blending. This makes it important that I fully work out these designs on paper and most likely also as 3D models.

The human form will be of male anatomy and based on an actor for proper reference.

The bipedal werewolf form will be based on the wolfman version from the Van Helsing (2004) movie and combine it with the version used in the Wolfman (2010) movie.


These are creature concept art images created by Carlos Huante, he was a concept artist on the Van Helsing movie. 
I do not own these images in any way or form, and they will be used for inspiration.
Please do check out his portfolio site.

As for the quadruped werewolf form it will be based on the Canis Lupus Lupus or the common (Gray) wolf. And since it will be a fantasy creature design I have the liberty to make this form larger and fit the second bipedal werewolf form.



The Transformation Animation:

The animation for the transformation is a different story. The character is a game character and I want the transformation animation to take place real-time during gameplay. This means that I will have to make sure that the transformation only takes inbetween 3 to 5 seconds and that is per form. Otherwise it could risk breaking the immersion of a game.

For the transformation between the human and bipedal werewolf form I was thinking of the transformation used in the Wolfman (2010) movie, but at a much more faster and fluently pace. This will require the character morphing and texture blending for color changing and fur to work.

                   screenshot from the Wolfman (2010)
Character sculpt by Rick Baker for the Wolfman (2010)

Character sculpt by Rick Baker for the Wolfman (2010)

As for the transformation between the bipedal werewolf form and quadruped werewolf form I was thinking of a quick transition. The bipedal werewolf lowering on all forms and shifting, or perhaps jumping forward and landing in the quadruped werewolf form.

And of course there the possibility to transform back also requires an animation which needs to be designed.

I hope that I have cleared up some questions as to how the forms of the character might turn out. Over the course of the upcoming weeks I hope to have some more sketches and ideas worked out on paper.

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