woensdag 24 april 2013

Human Form Character Sheet

I managed to finish a character sheet for the human form, and a concept drawing. The character will be based of the actor David Witts. Don't got a paticular reason for the actor choice but I think he looks fitting.

I know the previous werewolf concept sketches do not show any ripped jeans, but I gave it a thought and I think it might be more appropriate. So for the upcoming bipedal and quadruped form character sheets I will draw the ripped jeans. Since these designs will be final for the character design.

Of course later for documentation I will have to scan in all the drawings, because right now I do not manage to make them look good when making a quick photo of the sketch and adjusting that photo in photoshop. I hope I can do this in a week or two while finishing the other character sheets, and then I will update the old post with better images.

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