donderdag 4 april 2013

Block-Out Quadruped Werewolf Form

So I have continued my work on the block-out meshes. Creating solid versions of the block-outs I had and creating the block out for the third form, the quadruped werewolf.

As you can see in the images below it is based on the sketch version I posted last week. The form might not look much different from the bipedal form at first, but it is definitely longer, thinner and slightly more lean.

I also applied the blend shapes with an in-between to the human form block-out, placing the quadruped werewolf form in a T-position.

Now it is possible to blend from the human, to the bipedal and then to the quadruped werewolf form, as you can see in the video below.

While setting it up the blend shape I again ran into the problem of the deformation of a few pieces getting screwed up. Like I explained in the previous post it could be because of the vertex order. 

Luckily I was able to apply the solution of duplicating the piece like for example the neck from the human form. Adjust the vertices to the position of the neck for the bipedal form and renaming the body piece. This solved the problem of the mesh breaking in the blend shape deformation.

So now there a human form that has the ability to change shape into two other forms by the use of blend shapes. The past week I also researched on the subject as to how to make the blend shape with an animation work in UDK. I hope I can update this tomorrow and show the actual result.

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